Contact Us

Need Help?

Thank you for visiting Pifra Slip. You can contact us regarding any issue or information about PIFRA.

If you need support, please email us at [email protected] We try to respond to all support requests within 24-48 hours. You can also get in touch with us by filling out the below form.

    If You have already REGISTERED for an online salary slip but STILL do not see your salary slip in your inbox then please watch this video and follow the specified guidelines.

    For More Help

    Email: [email protected]

    Call: (051) 9107248
             (051) 9107209

    Mon – Fri | 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.

    Enhanced Accessibility and Convenience

    The PIFRA contact number serves as a direct line of communication between government employees and the PIFRA system. It offers enhanced accessibility and convenience, enabling employees to easily access vital financial information and resolve any issues they may encounter.

    By dialing the PIFRA contact number, employees can inquire about salary slips, taxation details, pension-related matters, and much more. This contact number eliminates the need for employees to visit physical offices or wait in long queues, saving them valuable time and effort.